So you know how Scott and I are really into birdwatching? No? Yeah, we didn’t either. But since we’ve been in New Zealand, a country that had no land mammals before they were introduced by humans and that was therefore prime habitat for birds to flourish without predators, we’ve been finding ourselves surprisingly intrigued by spotting and naming different native birds. It sometimes even gets a little out of control. For example, we stopped on our drive to Jackson Bay to walk through an estuary. An estuary for goodness sake! Anyway, as a result of this unexpected new (temporary?) hobby of ours, we have so much valuable knowledge to impart via our stellar bird photography.
Disclaimer: The following birds may not be accurately represented by their photo
Elisse: Scott, we still don’t have any photos of the fantail either.
Scott: Just tell people they look like their tail is a badminton birdie.
This is the resource I’ve been needing for the past week!!!
This is so good.
so, how far from the tree does the apple fall?
I’ve even gotten the binoculars out to get a closer look ;)