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Toddling around Copenhagen

Scott had a chance to join a work trip to Copenhagen this summer, so we decided to make it into a family trip and Margo’s first visit to Europe. First long-haul plane flight with a toddler, Scott’s first time in Denmark, first playground tourism…

We arrived Sunday evening and then had Monday morning and afternoon to explore the three of us, then Scott had to work Monday evening through Wednesday evening, and we finished off with Thursday-Saturday to explore together again. We mostly wandered through various neighborhoods, found coffee shops and bakeries, enjoyed a variety of public transportation options, and made a point of visiting a couple of great playgrounds. We saw key sites like palaces, food halls, the river banks and bridges, city hall, gardens and parks, with lots of wandering along canals and through old town. I had a nice time revisiting some of the spots that stood out in my memory from visiting Copenhagen with my mom and Mormor when I was in high school (Royal Copenhagen and Georg Jensen on the Stroget, the Palace Hotel, the Tivoli gates, Nyhavn…).

Margo’s favorite parts of Copenhagen: excellent gravel found in all sorts of locations, chairs and tables that are extremely fun to be underneath, post-nap playtime on mom and dad’s hotel bed, riding boat transportation and waving to other boats, riding on the back of Scott’s bike around town.

Some representative photos, half the captions courtesy of Scott :)

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