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Is Christchurch the Berlin of New Zealand?

What part of speech is ‘cahoots’, anyways?

This is very Avatar. 

I wonder if California could be the New Zealand of America. All it needs is a fiord. 

Elisse: that sheep was so spongy!

Scott: Yeah, he felt like a wool!

I think Dr. Seuss would have liked kiwi birds. 

What flavor is hokey pokey?! [Update: Google knows]

Come on, drummer. The real rhythm is playing cowbells behind his head. 

This feels adult. 

I really wish I had gotten a shot of the weka with his head in our exhaust pipe!

Well this is certainly a beautiful way to end a sand dune experience.

Am I not sending you enough emails? … I wonder if the Internet is going to think we’re in a fight. 

There are some really cool tattoos out here. Maybe we should get marriage tattoos. 

I’m actually desaturating — that’s how green it is here!